Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Obama accepts his mistakes for Democrats booted out of office.

The Wednesday after mid-term elections, Obama pins blame on the economy, which is still suffering, as the reason for the numerous house seats lost by the Democrats. He says: "I've got to take direct responsibility for the fact that we have not made as much progress as we need to make." Currently, the unemployment rate is supposedly 5% and Obama hopes that, even though he believes his policies haven't done enough, this will inspire Americans to have confidence in his policies.
What does a President do when his buddies lose their seats in office? He whines about it. The answer to fix this country's economy is to man up and do something about it. Perhaps Obama shouldn't spend so much money on health care. If America wants to pull the economy together, governement spending should be reduced. The more inflation that the American dollar gets, the worse the economy gets. If health care is a major component of Obama's agenda, he needs to change it. The economy is more important now.

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