Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Switching Focus

Iraq! It seems to be the war that most people think about these days. What about Afghanistan, did we forget about that country? A fair amount of US troops are stationed in Afghanistan trying to combat Al Qaida and Osama Bin Laden. Now Obama is shedding more light on the Afghanistan affairs and is focusing less on the Iraq War. Is this the right move? Well I believe we did a fair job in helping Iraq establish itself better than when ruled by Saddam. I believe, though, that going to Iraq before finishing the job in Afghanistan was a big and fatal mistake. We nearly had Bin Laden and the Taliban. Our forces were closing in and, according to a show on the history channel, they interviewed a soldier who nearly had him in his sights. But our Government hesitated due to the Iraq issue and speculation of weapons of mass destruction and thus they got away. We never did find WMD, but at least we made Iraq a more established and a safer country. Now with most of that war behind us it's time to focus on the main task at hand; catching a man and his men who we almost certainly know were behind the 9/11 attack. So I think that finishing what we started in afghan is the right thing to do, it's just that we've should have done in sooner.

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